Membership of Scientific and Associated Business Structures in International Networks

Devslate Group, UAB, funded by the Research Council of Lithuanian (LMT) implements project no. 10-039-P-0001-2 “Support for the membership and activity of science, associated business structures in international networks generating initiatives and topics of the EU research and innovation program “Horizon Europe”.

Project implementation period: February 2024 – February 2026

Project budget: 9270 Eur.

LMT / EU funding for the project: 7416Eur.

The aim and description of the project: To support the membership and activity of science, associated business structures in international networks generating initiatives and topics of the EU research and innovation program “Horizon Europe”

The project is financed with the funds of the Economic Revitalization and Resilience Enhancement Fund under the “New Generation Lithuania” („Naujos kartos Lietuva” ) plan and with funds from the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania.